The Labex DRIIHM 2020 calls for research projects (OHM, interOHM and Post-doc) will be open on November 1, 2019. The submission platform will remain open until midnight (French time) on 15 December 2019.
- The list of winners of the OHM calls for projects will be published in January 2020.
- For the calls for post-doctoral and DRIIHM projects (InterOHM), the winners will be announced in mid-February.
Particularities of Labex DRIIHM 2020 calls for research projects -
- In addition to the research axes specific to each OHM, all OHMs will devote this year a component of the calls for research projects to the topic "Contaminants, contaminations"
- Be careful! The call for research projects "OHMi Nunavik" is postponed to the first quarter of 2020. Under this November-December 2019 call, you will only be able to submit interOHM and post-doctoral projects concerning this OHMi.
- Following the renewal of the Labex DRIIHM from 2020-2024, we are switching this year to a new organization, namely:
- OHM and interOHM calls for research projects every 2 years, so biennial projects!
- and an annual postdoctoral APR (2 successful candidates per year - maximum contract amount: €50,000; if the applicant's professional experience and seniority requires a higher salary, it will be necessary to provide co-funding).
Version en anglais ci-dessous / English version below
L'Appel à Projets de Recherche 2019 du Labex DRIIHM ouvre le 1er février 2019. Le texte général de l'APR est consultable sous deux versions française et anglaise et regroupe :
- Le cadrage général en français et en anglais contenant :
- les APR de 10 OHM et OHMI (l'APR Pays de Bitche est reporté - Pas d'APR Bahia Exploradores ni Fesseinheim cette année) : Bassin Minier de Provence, Estarreja (Français / Portugais), Haut-Vicdessos, Littoral méditerranéen, Nunavik, Oyapock, Pima County, Port Caraïbe, Tessekere, Vallée du Rhône
- et l'APR du réseau des 13 OHM qui vise à soutenir des projets dont les recherches s'inscrivent sur le territoire d'au moins deux OHM. Veuillez, avant toute soumission de ce type de projet via le site du DRIIHM, prendre contact avec le ou les directeur(s) de(s) OHM concerné(s).
Veillez à bien noter qu'il n'y a ni APR doctoraux ni APR post-doctoraux cette année.
Read more: Ouverture de l'APR 2019 Labex DRIIHM / New call for projects of Labex DRIIHM 2019
Circulations, borders ans cities in the Guianas
November 7th to 9th 2018, University of French Guiana, Cayenne
Building on the work of researchers and specialists in the last decades, recent initiatives are revitalizing thought about the changes in the French Guiana’s borders, whether at the scale of French Guiana or the Guiana Shield (Blancodini P., 2010 ; Morel, Letniowska-Swiat, 2012 ; AUDeG, 2013 ; CAUE de Guyane, 2014 ; Carlin et al., 2014 ; Collomb & Mam Lam Fouk, 2016). The analysis of the borders has been focused on the geopolitical stakes for many years due to many border disputes, including the « contested conflict » between France and Brazil (Vidal de La Blache, 1901 ; Lézy, 2000 ; Granger, 2011 ; Théry, 2015 ; Ferretti, 2014) or between Venezuela and Guyana (de Vilhena Silva, 2017). The contemporary approaches no longer reduce boundaries to their status as limits between territorial entities. We can say that the Guianas’ borders, in particular fluvial, have a « thickness » (Agier, 2013), which allows them to be learned as spaces of exchange, active margins and creators of urban evolutions. Cross-border areas, which are often extended to the internal borders, constitute areas of mutation, where old socio-spatial structures interact with recent dynamics of settlement and development (das Chagas Martins et al., 2016). Thus, the purpose of this symposium is to question the transformations experienced by these border areas from the Amazon to the Orinoco. The attention will be focused on interactions between circulations, margins and cities in the Guianas, analysed according to three axes:
- Circulations and mobilities
- Borders and margins
- Economic sectors and urban dynamics
This symposium is aimed primarily at researchers and young researchers in the social sciences (geography, economy, anthropology, sociology, history, political science). Languages used in the symposium are: French, English and Portuguese.
Abstracts of papers made in two of these languages (200 words, with five keywords) are expected by July 10, 2018.
The deposit of abstracts is done on the website of the symposium :
The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and notices will be sent on September 15, 2018.
Le comité de direction du Labex DRIIHM s'est réuni le 28 février 2018 après-midi. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les résultats de leur évaluation des 16 projets postdoctoraux et 5 projets ROHM soumis.
Félicitations aux lauréats !
Résultats des projets post-doctoraux lauréats de l’APR 2018 du Labex DRIIHM
1 OHM Tessékéré - Physical Activity Transition and weight: Study of the epidemiological transition of the Peuls around the Great Green Wall
2 OHM Port Caraïbe - Vers un concept d’écologie portuaire : analyse sémantique de corpus bibliographiques selon le concept des phylomémies
3 OHM Pima County - La mobilisation des normes transnationales dans les conflits socioenvironnementaux: une comparaison sud nord des contestations dans les bassins miniers
Liste complémentaire
1 OHM Estarreja et Littoral Méditerranéen - HESTAFOS - Quels savoirs pour améliorer l'habitabilité des territoires soumis à des pollutions comme Fos-sur-Mer (France) et Estarreja (Portugal) ?
Résultats des projets ROHM lauréats de l’APR 2018 du Labex DRIIHM
OHM BMP et LittMed - Risque sanitaire posé par l’exposition des enfants en bas âge aux hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques via les poussières de sol. (Acronyme: CHIPPs pour CHIldren exposition to Particulate PAHs)
OHM Tessékéré et Estarreja - TesseRESPIRA – A comparative study of environmental risk factors for the progression of pulmonary diseases between Tessekéré (Senegal) and Estarreja (Portugal)phylomémies
OHM Vallée du Rhône et Estarreja - Anthropoécosystème et rôle de la matière organique sur la mobilité des polluants (AMO2)
OHM Estarreja et LittMed - ESFORISK : Réflexion collective sur les savoirs nécessaires à l'amélioration de l'habitabilité des territoires soumis à des cumuls de pollution (Fos-sur-Mer, France et Estarreja, Portugal)

The new call for projects Labex DRIIHM-IRDHEI 2018 has been launched.
- Launch of the call: 15 October 2017
- Deadline submission project proposals: 30 November 2017
- Deadline peer review assessments and results of OHM projects : 8 January 2018
- Results of call for ROHM projects and Post-Docs fellowships: February 2018
The Human-Environment Observatories are devoted to the study of socio-ecosystems that have been affected by humans in ecological, economical and social respects and that are undergoing substantial transformations due to a major disruptive event. They are an ideal tool for observing, analysing, experimenting with and modelling current environmental questions and issues related to an identified geographical region.
Theirs objectives are to promote the interdisciplinary research by integrating issues associated with the biological sciences, geosciences and social sciences ; in this way develop global ecology studies and accumulate interoperable datas (documents, archives, publications, pictures, maps...) in shared databases.
This call is intended to encourage studies in the environmental sciences fields and specifically on priorities of OHM. These domains are listed below and can be treated in the framework of one or more OHM.
Le programme et le formulaire d'inscription pour le prochain séminairede l'Observatoire Hommes-Milieux du Bassin Minier de Provence sont en ligne !
Cette rencontre aura lieu le Mardi 10 Octobre 2017 à la Salle des Fêtes du Complexe des Terres Blanches à Bouc Bel Air (13320).
Vous pouvez consulter le programme de cette journée sur le site de l'OHM Bassin Minier de Provence, ICI, et vous inscrire au plus tôt via ce formulaire en ligne.
Nous vous attendons nombreux pour des échanges fructueux !