The new call for projects DRIIHM Labex 2020 has been launched.
- Launch of the call: 2029 November 1st
- Deadline submission project proposals: 2019 December 15th
- Deadline peer review assessments and results of OHM projects : January 2020
- Results of call for interOHM projects and Post-Docs fellowships: February 2020
Particularities of Labex DRIIHM 2020 calls for research projects -
- In addition to the research axes specific to each OHM, all OHMs will devote this year a component of the calls for research projects to the topic "Contaminants, contaminations"
- Be careful! The call for research projects "OHMi Nunavik" is postponed to the first quarter of 2020. Under this November-December 2019 call, you will only be able to submit interOHM and post-doctoral projects concerning this OHMi.
- Following the renewal of the Labex DRIIHM from 2020-2024, we are switching this year to a new organization, namely:
- OHM and interOHM calls for research projects every 2 years, so biennial projects!
- and an annual postdoctoral APR (2 successful candidates per year - maximum contract amount: €50,000; if the applicant's professional experience and seniority requires a higher salary, it will be necessary to provide co-funding).