Le Réseau des Zones Ateliers (http://www.za-inee.org/) organise une école d'hiver du 12 au 14/03/2024 dans la ville de Foix dans le territoire du PNR des Pyrénées Ariégeoises. Elle aura pour thème la transition agro-écologique des socio-écosystèmes.
Les écoles d'hiver du RZA sont ouvertes aux personnes en doctorat, post-doctorat.
Vous pouvez d'ores et déjà consulter le programme détaillé. Le Réseau des Zones Ateliers finance l'école chercheur dans sa totalité, seuls les frais de déplacement sont à la charge des Zones Ateliers des participants ou de leurs laboratoires.
Merci de vous inscrire sur le formulaire suivant avant le 23/02 : https://framaforms.org/ecole-dhiver-du-reseau-des-zones-ateliers-sur-la-transition-agro-ecologique-des-socio-ecosystemes
English version below
L’ENTPE recrute des enseignant·es-chercheur·es dans les champs relatifs à la transition écologique, incluant les champs d’expertise du laboratoire LEHNA.
Les fiches descriptives de ces postes sont désormais en ligne sur le site de l'ENTPE (https://www.entpe.fr/offres-emploi) et sont diffusées par ailleurs sur la place de l’Emploi public ainsi que sur les sites Bernard Gregory et sites affiliés (dont euraxess).
Du côté du LEHNA-IAPHY, un poste de Pr ou MCF en écologie des milieux aquatiques est également ouvert. Vous pouvez consulter également la fiche de poste ICI.
The ENTPE is recruiting teacher-researchers in fields related to the ecological transition, including the fields of expertise of the LEHNA laboratory.
The job descriptions for these positions are now online on the ENTPE website (https://www.entpe.fr/offres-emploi), and are also posted on the Place de l'Emploi Public as well as on Bernard Gregory and affiliated websites (including euraxess).
LEHNA-IAPHY also has a vacancy for a Pr or MCF in aquatic ecology. You can also consult the job description HERE.
Circulations, borders ans cities in the Guianas
November 7th to 9th 2018, University of French Guiana, Cayenne
Website: cfvg.sciencesconf.org
Building on the work of researchers and specialists in the last decades, recent initiatives are revitalizing thought about the changes in the French Guiana’s borders, whether at the scale of French Guiana or the Guiana Shield (Blancodini P., 2010 ; Morel, Letniowska-Swiat, 2012 ; AUDeG, 2013 ; CAUE de Guyane, 2014 ; Carlin et al., 2014 ; Collomb & Mam Lam Fouk, 2016). The analysis of the borders has been focused on the geopolitical stakes for many years due to many border disputes, including the « contested conflict » between France and Brazil (Vidal de La Blache, 1901 ; Lézy, 2000 ; Granger, 2011 ; Théry, 2015 ; Ferretti, 2014) or between Venezuela and Guyana (de Vilhena Silva, 2017). The contemporary approaches no longer reduce boundaries to their status as limits between territorial entities. We can say that the Guianas’ borders, in particular fluvial, have a « thickness » (Agier, 2013), which allows them to be learned as spaces of exchange, active margins and creators of urban evolutions. Cross-border areas, which are often extended to the internal borders, constitute areas of mutation, where old socio-spatial structures interact with recent dynamics of settlement and development (das Chagas Martins et al., 2016). Thus, the purpose of this symposium is to question the transformations experienced by these border areas from the Amazon to the Orinoco. The attention will be focused on interactions between circulations, margins and cities in the Guianas, analysed according to three axes:
- Circulations and mobilities
- Borders and margins
- Economic sectors and urban dynamics
This symposium is aimed primarily at researchers and young researchers in the social sciences (geography, economy, anthropology, sociology, history, political science). Languages used in the symposium are: French, English and Portuguese.
Abstracts of papers made in two of these languages (200 words, with five keywords) are expected by July 10, 2018.
The deposit of abstracts is done on the website of the symposium : cfvg.sciencesconf.org.
The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and notices will be sent on September 15, 2018.
See you Monday, October 12, 2015 at the Grand Parc de Miribel Jonage (69) for the day of the OSR.
This seminar aims to share the major scientific advances gained since 2013 on (1) MY flows and contaminants, (2) sedimentation processes alluvial margins, and (3) of sediment flux modeling MES on Rhone river system.
For more information or to register, Follow this link !
The LITEAU program calls for scientific papers as part of its next conference to be held on 14 and 15 January 2016 in Brest, in partnership with the National Research Agency, Ifremer and scientific interest group Hommer.
The conference addresses the renewal of the modes of knowledge production, particularly evolutionary and complex relationships between dynamic observation of the sea and coast, and thematic research currently being debated widely within OHM.
Read more: Symposium Observation and research to support coastal and marine policies
Sander Van Der Leeuwis is a medieval archaeologist and historian.
After teaching at the universities of Leyden (1972-1976), Amsterdam (1976-1985), Cambridge (1985-1995) and Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1995-2004), he is currently Foundation Professor and Distinguished Sustainability Scientistwith at the "School of Human Evolution and Social Change" and Director of the ASU-SFI Center for Complex Biosocial Adaptive Systems at the Arizona State University.
Since 2013, he is the annual scientific guest of the LabEx. He brings his look and experience to the OHM network, participates annually in seminars of the LabEx and has already met on their area four of eight observatories.
Listen or listen again Pod-Cast Planette Terre by Sylvain Kahn, released Wednesday, 02/25/15 on France Culture: The relationship of humanity to nature can they evolve?
Given the critical state of biodiversity and exclusively mercantile relations and reified for much of human society to nature, is it possible to hope for a paradigm shift? Can we hope to take education very integrated and egalitarian relationships that companies have with améridiennes Nature? Ethics and proposed scientific solutions they can to change the economic and political pre-eminence?
According to Philippe Descola: "There are three matters critical to deal with the current crisis: ecology, anthropology and geography For these are the three science of interactions between humans and non-humans, they should occupy a very great.. place in secondary education."
- Philippe Descola, professor of anthropology at the Collège de France
- Vincent Devictor, researcher at the CNRS Institute of Sciences of the evolution of Montpellier (ISEM)
- International symposium "The vulnerability of Mediterranean coastal area to actual environmental changes"
- France will co-host the International Secretariat of Future Earth
- Interdisciplinary exchange: 6th doctoral days Landscape
- Call for papers: History and plant sciences - interdisciplinary approaches