October 20-24, 2015 - Kerkennah archipelago, Sfax (Tunisia)
The Mediterranean area undergoes different climatic influences and is known to be a climatic change hotspot by the IPCC. Indeed the climate change and sea level evolution are important there. It is also an ancient anthropised area where the actual population growth in the coastal area is important. High human densities imply high issues: touristic, economic, heritage, natural etc. Consequences on that area, natural and directly or indirectly anthropogenic ask new problematic. This symposium offers to consider on three of them:
- Observed climatic evolution and simulation of future climate
- Environmental changes in the Mediterranean: consequences, adaptation and vulnerability
- The "natural" risks and the resilience of Mediterranean littoral urbanized area
This symposium will take place in the Kerkennah archipelago (Sfax,Tunisia), on october 20-24, 2015
Deadline for communication proposal : 30 april 2015
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