Legal responsibility - Publication manager
Corinne Pardo
Site administrator :
This site is currently administered by :
- Corinne Pardo (Scientific and Technical Manager of LabEx DRIIHM and InEE Governance Officer for LabEx DRIIHM)
- Mathieu Massaviol (Web Project Manager - Management and diffusion of research data for LabEx DRIIHM)
Development and Web Design :
This site was successively developed and maintained by :
- Georges Hinot (UMS 3468 BBEES)
- Arnaud Jean-Charles (FR 3098 ECCOREV)
- Mathieu Massaviol (FR 3098 ECCOREV)
with the help of the Joomla Alpha Design training course
Hosting :
This site is hosted by the Centre de Calcul de L'IN2P3.
21 Avenue Pierre de Coubertin
69627 VILLEURBANNE cedex
Images :
The illustrative images on this site come from the LabEx DRIIHM photo library: