The LabEx DRIIHM is a laureate of France's program « Investment in the future » in 2012-2019. It has been renewed for 5 years from January 1st, 2020. The DRIIHM was set up to run and lead the community of human-environments observatories (OHM in french), which it brings together in a single group, with their common bases and their diversity. It creates transversal links and fosters interactions favourable to the emergence of the interdisciplinarity required for the study of complex socio-ecosystems, while involving the various stakeholders in the areas under study, from the design of the systems to the transfer of results. The DRIIHM is a tool for promoting interdisciplinarity by organizing long-term, integrated research focused on a major "founding" event responsible for transforming systems. Its operations are organized around the following actions:
- calls for exploratory research projects,
- inter-OHM and transversal projects where the comparative approach provides original knowledge or new concepts to the understanding of socio-ecosystems undergoing environmental crises.
- doctoral and post-doctoral contracts,
- summary works on shared issues,
- annual seminars on OHM projects and thematic seminars,
- transversal actions on data management and availability via the DATA-DRIIHM group: implementation of shared tools for promoting, displaying and sharing research data (GeoDRIIHM, PhotoDRIIHM, DRIIHM-HAL, Timeline, Chronosystemic frieze, etc.). The SO-DRIIHM project (ANR 2020-2023) will support these initiatives by raising community awareness of the need to share and open up data, and by integrating existing tools into the co-construction of an ergonomic, interoperable e-infrastructure offering easier access to data,
- and transfer to society, and in particular to the younger generation, by supporting projects and initiatives in environmental education and sustainable development: transposing the results of OHM research into teaching materials for primary and secondary school teachers, and disseminating and distribution of multiple mediation tools to stakeholders and civil society.
The DRIIHM is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary relations between all the environmental sciences :
- Ensuring that all disciplines, participants (researchers and teacher-researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students) and their supervisory bodies (research organisations, universities, french institutions of higher education...) are fully involved.
- Involving civil society, particularly in the co-construction of systems and feedback on research results, to ensure that the research carried out matches and is understood by the stakeholders and political and economic decision-makers, thereby informing their choices for actions within their remit.
- By actively generating this open-minded attitude, known as indisciplinarity, which enables exchanges and interactions between disciplines and leads to the construction of interdisciplinarity capable of responding to the complexity of the systems studied.
Its governance
The OHMs' activities are coordinated and monitored by various bodies, including a Management Board, a Scientific Council, a Conference of OHM Directors, a Strategic Orientation Council and project managers. The scientific and technical manager is a member of all these bodies.
The Management Board (CoDir)
- Stéphanie Thiébault, DR CNRS
- Luc Abbadie, Pr., Sorbonne University
- Robert Chenorkian, Pr. emeritus - CNRS Ecology & Environment scientific advisor in charge of OHM
- Stéphane Blanc, Director of CNRS Ecology & Environment and LabEx Scientific and Technical Manager (RSTin french)
- Corinne Pardo, IR CNRS - LabEx management and administration, RST assistant.
Scientific Council (CS)
The Scientific Council (SC) is a consultative body responsible for assisting the LabEx Scientific and Technical Manager and the CoDir in the scientific monitoring of the project. It is made up of eight scientists (one nomination is pending) chosen for their experience and skills in the various research areas of the DRIIHM LabEx.
- Chairman : Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau, environmental law specialist - DR CNRS, UMR 6224 IODE
- Vincent Battesti, anthropologist - CR1 CNRS, MNHN, UMR 7206 Éco-anthropologie
- Hélène Budzinski, physicologist and toxicologist-chemist of natural systems and organic contaminants - DR CNRS, UMR 5255 ISM
- Agathe Euzen, anthropologist and environmental scientist - DR CNRS, LATTS
- Josette Garnier, hydrobiologist, biologist and geochemist - DR CNRS, FR 3020 FIRE
- Thierry Heulin, microbiologist - DR emeritus - iBEB (CNRS - CEA/DSV)
- Yves Perrette, sedimentary archivist and geophysico-chemist - DR CNRS, Dr. of UMR 5204 EDYTEM
- GillesPinay, hydroecologist - DR CNRS, UMR5600 EVS, Deputy Scientific Director CNRS Ecology & Environement
Conference of OHM directors
The OHM Directors' Conference coordinates and studies possible changes to the Scheme (creation of new OHMs, changes to the scope of certain observatories, etc.) and acts as an intermediary between the Scheme and its institutional and academic partners. It is chaired by the RST of the LabEx DRIIHM, and includes the LabEx Governance Project Leader and all the OHM Directors and Co-Directors. :
- Dominique Badariotti (Pr Geography) - OHM Fessenheim
- Carole Barthélémy (MCF Sociology) - OHM Rhone Valley
- Jean-Philippe Bedell (DR Microbiology and Plant physiology), Eduardo Da Silva (Pr Geosciences) - OHMi Estarreja
- Priscilla Duboz (IR Bio-anthropologist), Papa Ibnou Ndiaye (Pr Animal biology) - OHMi Tessekere
- Damien Davy (IR Ethnology) - OHM Oyapock
- Armelle Decaulne (DR Geomorphology), Najat Birhy (Pr Geography-Paleoecology) - OHMi Nunavik
- Didier Galop (DR Géography-Paleoecology) - OHM Pyrenees - haut Vicdessos
- Fabien Hein (MCF Sociology) - OHM Bitche County
- Pascal-Jean Lopez (DR Biology) - OHM Caribbean Coast
- Patrick Monfort (DR Microbial ecology) - OHM Mediterranean Coatal zone
- Yves Noack (Emeritus DR in Atmospheric chemistry) - OHM Provence Coalfield
- François-Michel Le Tourneau (DR Géography) - OHMi Pima County
- Alejandro Salazar Burrows (Géography) - OHMi Patagonia - Bahia Exploradores
The Strategic Orientation Council (COS)
The Strategic Orientation Council (COS) brings together the management of the DRIIHM, the CoDir and representatives of the partners involved in the DRIIHM: organisations or ministries, university partners, economic partners.
- Chairman : Antonio Guerci - Pr. University og Genoa, Italy
- Vice-Chairman : Christelle Roy - Hubert Curien pluridisciplinary Institute, Director of the European Research and International Cooperation Department at CNRS
- Paul Arnould - Emeritus Pr., ENS de Lyon
- Maryline Crivello - Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the A*Midex University Foundation, Aix-Marseille University
- Patrick Flammarion - Deputy Managing Director, Expertise and Public Policy Support, INRAe
- Philippe Miclot - General Delegate Development, Caisse d’aide sociale de l’éducation nationale
- Sandrine Paillard - Dir. Future Earth Paris Hub
- Françoise Simon-Plas - DR UMR Agroécologie, INRAe Bourgogne/Franche-Comté
- Thierry Tatoni - Pr. Ecology - IMBE, Aix-Marseille University
- Thierry Vandevelde - Managing Director - Foundation Veolia
The Project managers
Project managers: some of the actions of the scheme require specific skills and regular monitoring; this is particularly the case for the governance of the scheme and the setting up of databases and IT maintenance.
- "Cross-cutting themes" project manager : Yves Noack, Emeritus DR, OHM Provence Coalfield Dir.
- Governance Project Manager : Corinne Pardo
- Web Project Manager - Research data management and sharing : Mathieu Massaviol
- Scientific outreach project manager : Emily Henry
The OHMs themselves have their own management and governance structures, designed according to the characteristics of each one. The most common structures are a Management Board, a Steering Committee and/or a Strategic Orientation Council.
Its partners
The DRIIHM is open to all potential partners. They may be involved at various levels of governance: the steering committees and/or strategic orientation councils of the OHMs, the DRIIHM strategic orientation council. At the time of the project's selection by the ANR, 125 partnerships had already been identified for the entire scheme: around 60% with research units (77), the rest mainly with bodies or local authorities (17), administrations (12) or environmental management organisations (12).
Companies are invited to participate if they have an interest in doing so. This may involve supporting specific research to set up or test specific equipment, joining an information or monitoring network, etc. For the moment, these partnerships have been developed or are being finalised at OHM level (with Véolia, Klorane and EDF for the OHMi of Tessékéré, EDF for the OHM of Haut-Vicdessos, or Rio Tinto, Ciments Lafarge and SNET for the OHM Bassin minier de Provence). A privileged entry point is also possible at Network level through participation in specific themes proposed during the RPAs.
The relationship with local authorities (municipalities, communities of municipalities, departments, regions) and the populations concerned (residents, users, associations, etc.) is essential given the contexts and subjects of the DRIIHM's studies. The work carried out within this framework often deals with very sensitive issues (consequences of pollution and resilience, induced public health issues, efficiency of remediation, etc.), and it is important to make progress by informing the authorities and populations concerned, and even in partnership with them. The DRIIHM's approach to work encourages the inclusion of stakeholders in all aspects of the project, from co-construction of projects to the reporting of results.