The Aveiro University (UA), the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and the International Medical Geology Association (IMGA) co-organize the 6th International Conference on Medical Geology, the emerging interdisciplinary scientific field "dealing with the influence of ordinary environmental factors on the geographical distribution of health problems in man and animals" according to the Commission on Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning.
This event will take place from 26th July to the 1st August 2015.
MEDGEO conference bring together researchers and decision makers from the physical sciences and the medical sciences who are interested in solving health problems caused by natural processes and materials. The participants of the conference will convey expertise in a range of scientific fields, such as geochemistry, biology, engineering, geology, hydrology, epidemiology, chemistry, medicine, nutrition and toxicology.
Click on MedGeo2015 ( to learn more about Registration, Deadlines and Scientific Program.
The geoarchaeology of mediterranean islands. Multidisciplinary approaches to paleoenvironmental changes and the history of the human occupation in the Mediterranean islands since the Last Glacial Maximum
Cette manifestation dont l'OHM Littoral méditerranéen est partenaire se déroulera du 30 juin au 2 juillet au Centre de congrès CNRS de Cargèse (Corse, France).
L'inscription (en ligne, ICI) est obligatoire en raison du nombre limité de places.
Pour en savoir plus, consulter le site de la rencontre à cette adresse :
For over 20 years, the science comes your way.
The Science Festival takes place this year in France (and now international) from 27 September to 19 October. It is an opportunity to "discover the world of science and meet the men and women who are today's science." This is an opportunity for young and old to learn, to dare ask questions to those who practice everyday science.
In their objectives "to bring knowledge," opening to civil society and environmental education, the OHM participate again in this event.
You will find below, the activities organized under the Science Festival 2014, as and when they are completed.
OHM Oyapock : September 29 evening, Damien Davy, anthropologist, director of the OHM Oyapock, presented on the seafront in Kourou few examples of astral representations and myths that shape the memories and knowledge of Amerindians from Guyana.
The article "And so came the two brothers Kusuwi" details his response.
Sandra Nicolle defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Protected natural areas in the Amazon rainforest Doctrines management devices. How effectively for environmental protection comparative study France (French Guiana) / Brazil (Amapá) ?", wednesday, september 24 2014, 15h, at the AgroParisTech center of Montpellier (648 rue Jean-François Breton), Amazon room.
A short documentary, co-produced by and the Center for Northern Studies, was conducted during the intergenerational and intercultural camp held in August 2013 with the Cree Whapmagoostui, Quebec, east of Hudson Bay . It is an excellent introduction to KNOWLEDGE project, funded in part by APR 2014 (OHIM Nunavik - ROHM).
The annual scientific seminar Observatory Men Media Rhone Valley was held Monday, May 26, 2014 in Lyon from 9:30 to 18:30. The objective of this day was to discuss the current dynamics and scientists to propose a debate around major scientific priorities under the paradigm shift in the management of the river.
The program for the day is:
Presentation of scientific VR panorama of OHM
Major projects underway on the Rhône
Projects resulting from the tender OHM
Debate on scientific priorities OHM VR
You will find very soon on the website of the concerned OHM communications and conclusions of the day.