Sandra Nicolle defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Protected natural areas in the Amazon rainforest Doctrines management devices. How effectively for environmental protection comparative study France (French Guiana) / Brazil (Amapá) ?", wednesday, september 24 2014, 15h, at the AgroParisTech center of Montpellier (648 rue Jean-François Breton), Amazon room.
The defense will be conducted by videoconference with AgroParisTech center of Kourou and UNIFAP (Federal University of Amapá).
The research was conducted at the graduate school of the University Antilles-Guyane, and co-hosted by the Centre Midfield Man "Oyapock" CNRS (USR 3456 - Guyana CNRS), Montpellier Research in Management (University of Montpellier) and AgroParisTech teams of Kourou (UMR Guyana forest Ecology) and Montpellier (GEEFT- Environmental Management of Ecosystems and Forests Tropical).
For more information, you can consult the summary below (french only).