As part of its 26th Days scientists, the Society for Human Ecology (HEU), the Men-Media Observatory (OHM) "Mediterranean Coast" of the CNRS and the SPACE lab propose to update the issue of company environmental reporting context coast.
The results of the APR PhD and Post-Doc 2014 are online. Once connected, you can view the list of subjects below.
- May 23, 2014: Annual Seminar restitution of OHM-I Estarreja in Aveiro.
- May 26, 2014: Annual Seminar restitution of OHM Rhone Valley in Villeurbanne
- 18 and June 19, 2014: Fifth Seminar network ohms at Montpellier.
- July 3, 2014: Annual Seminar restitution of OHM Provence mining area Meyreuil (more info on the site of the OHM BMP).