The 2024 Call for Research Projects will open on December 15, 2023. You will have until midnight February 1 to submit and modify your project.
The submission platform will be accessible from this site after registration if you do not yet have an account. Details of the call for projects and the research areas for each of the OHMs will be published in a news item on the morning of December 15.
Please note! Exceptionally for this call for proposals, internships will not be eligible.
Le séminaire annuel de l'OHM Bassin Minier de Provence 2023 se tiendra les 9 et 10 Novembre 2023 à Meyreuil.
Aux présentations classiques des travaux de l'OHM sera couplée une journée sur la transition énergétique en Région PACA.
Le programme et la procédure d'inscription sont sur jusqu'au 31 Octobre 2023. Ne tardez donc pas à vous y inscrire !
The DRIIHM 2023 symposium will be held in Strasbourg from June 5 to 7, 2023. You are all invited to participate in face-to-face or distance learning.
The website dedicated to these days is available:
You will find all the information about these meetings as well as the registration form which is mandatory.
Registration is open from April 3rd 2023 to May 1st 2023.
So don't delay!
A call for the valuation of research and data produced within the DRIIHM and the OHM is opened. The idea is to contribute to the financing of your actions of valuation, publication and mediation that you carry out within your winning research projects of the calls 2020 and 2022. Inter and intra-OHM valorization projects are also eligible.
The following may be supported
- participation in conferences to present the results of yourresearch (mission, registration fees, etc.)
- publication costs (publishing costs, Open Science costs, APC (Articles Processing Charges) paid within your project),
- translation costs,
- publishing costs of scientific books,
- the organization of scientific or popularization thematic symposium,
- and mediation actions towards the civil society, the institutions, the actors of the territory.
The submission of your applications is done via a questionnaire which is available from April 3rd:
You can view the questionnaire before answering it via this PDF.
Planning of this call
Call opening: Monday, April 3rd, 2023
Deadline for submissions: May 15th, 2023
Responses to your applications: during June 2023
Two positions, a three-year PhD contract and a two-year young researcher CDD, are to be filled within the framework of the project "The Great Green Wall (GGW) and Sahelian environmental imaginaries: Green Fix and the Persistence of a Policy Idea" supported by ANR (France), ESRC (Great Britain) and DFG (Germany).
The two recruited persons will be hosted by the IRL 3189 Environment, Health, Society (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar).
For more details on the offers and application procedures:
PhD contract:
Researcher on fixed-term contract:
The postdoctoral researcher position for 2 years is at the heart of the interdisciplinary project ENERGON "Energy transitions and reconfigurations of socio-ecosystems: mobilizing the OHM (Human Environment Observatories / Observatoires Hommes-Milieux) to produce an integrated methodology", selected in the framework of the LabEx DRIIHM call for project transverse.
The ENERGON project brings together six OHMs, including four in France: Bassin Minier de Provence; Fessenheim; Pays de Biche; and Vallée du Rhône, and two in North America: Nunavik (Canada) and Pima County (Arizona). It brings together 23 researchers and teacher-researchers from three major interdisciplinary groups: social sciences (14), environmental sciences (5) and science and technology (4); the team represents some 15 scientific structures.
The position will be attached to the UMR Telemme 7303, a laboratory which is located in the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (MMSH), in Aix-en-Provence. The UMR Telemme participates in the activity of the OHMs network, in particular in the OHM-Bassin Minier de Provence. Sylvie Daviet Professor of Geography, member of the UMR Telemme, is in charge of the ENERGON project.
Read more: Recruitment of post-doctoral researcher for ENERGON project
Au sein de l'Interreg Rhin Supérieur, l'OHM Fessenheim participe au projet CO2InnO dans le cadre duquel il recherche un-e post-doctorant-e qui sera en charge de réaliser une modélisation prospective des impacts environnementaux de différents scénarios de gestion de déchets TFA (très faible activité) issus du démantèlement du CNPE de Fessenheim par la méthodologie de l'analyse du cycle de vie.
Durée du contrat : 12 mois
Date d'embauche prévue : 1 février 2023
Quotité de travail : Temps complet
Rémunération : Entre 2833,40 et 4003,62 euros bruts mensuels selon expérience
Niveau d'études souhaité : Doctorat
Expérience souhaitée : 1 à 4 années
Pour en savoir plus et/ou postuler :