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OHM(i) : OHMi Estarreja
7 Jan

Long-Term Maintenance Strategies after Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Perspectives of People with Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Informal Carers, and Healthcare Professionals

Article dans une revue OHMi Estarrejahal-04067839

Sara Souto-Miranda, Cláudia Dias, Cristina Jácome, Elsa Melo, Alda Marques


TracEnviSoil - Tracing metal(loid) and rare earth elements contents in alluvial soils of Baixo Vouga Lagunar: Origin, availability and environmental issues

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631986

Nuno Durães


2Improve: Boost the potential of resistant indigenous plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to improve crop productivity and soil quality in Estarreja and Baixo Vouga Lagunar affected agroecosystems.

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631970

Sirine Bougerra


AGORARISK - Dialogue sur les risques et l'environnement à Estarreja

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631982

Sofia Bento


Reproduction@Estarreja: is female reproductive potential at risk?

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631977

Renata Tavares


ChemREs2 “PAHs and inorganic contaminants in Estarreja rainwater: sources, spatial-temporal changes, and implications for the environment and human

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631985

Patrícia Santos


Can I eat this fish? - Dietary recommendations to reduce the mercury risk exposure

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631983

Hugo Vieira


Schools Tackling Estarreja's Air Pollution (STEP)

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631980

Célia Alves


Is4RISK- derivation of soil reference values for potentially toxic elements (As, Pb and Cu) by using a regosol representative of Estarreja soils

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631975

Ruth Pereira


SENSE: SustainablE Nano Strategies for water remediation: Estarreja as a case study

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631981

Patricia Silva