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OHM(i) : OHMi Estarreja

Local Food Systems under Global Influence: The Case of Food, Health and Environment in Five Socio-Ecosystems

Article dans une revue OHMi Téssékéré OHM Oyapock OHMi Nunavik OHM Littoral Caraïbe OHMi Estarrejahal-03986342

Michael Rapinski, Richard Raymond, Damien Davy, Thora Herrmann, Jean-Philippe Bedell, Abdou Ka, Guillaume Odonne, Laine Chanteloup, Pascal Jean Lopez, Éric Foulquier, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Nathalie El Deghel, Gilles Boëtsch, Véronique Coxam, Fabienne Joliet, Anne-Marie Guihard-Costa, Laurence Tibère, Julie-Anne Nazare, Priscilla Duboz


Schools Tackling Estarreja's Air Pollution (STEP)

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632184

Célia Alves


SAYFERT - Safety and effectiveness of Estarreja-based fertilizers under circular economy principles

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632174

Flávio Silva


Airbone pollution by vegetation and tree samples biosensor in two constricted OHMi/human activities

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632179

Jean-Philippe Bedell


Visibility and invisibility : uses, perceptions and issues of Estarreja's groundwater

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632186

Raphael Ordonneau, Yaouna Bretaudeau


Hydeco Connections, disconnections and reconnections in socio-hydrosystems: Towards a better integration of the vertical dimension?

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632180

Jean-Philippe Bedell


Understanding Chemical Contamination of Foods in five Human-Environment Observatories: Focus on Metallic Trace Elements and Persistent Organic Pollutants

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632177

Nathalie El Deghel


Can I eat this fish? - Dietary recommendations to reduce the mercury risk exposure

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632185

Hugo Vieira


2Improve: Boost the potential of resistant indigenous plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to improve crop productivity and soil quality in Estarreja and Baixo Vouga Lagunar affected agroecosystems.

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632173

Sirine Bougerra


The participatory dimension of air quality monitoring

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04632182

Yann Philippe Tastevin