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OHM(i) : OHMi Estarreja
5 Jui

Analysis of POPs in OHM Food Systems: Towards Understanding Contamination and Dispersion

Poster OHMi Téssékéré OHM Oyapock OHM Littoral Caraïbe OHMi Estarrejahal-04622212

Nathalie El Deghel, Michael Rapinski, Priscilla Duboz, Damien Davy, Richard Raymond, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Anaïs Venisseau, Philippe Marchand, Jean-Philippe Bedell

5 Jui

OHM' Review and projects - 2023-2024

Communication dans un congrès OHM Vallée du Rhône OHM Pays de Bitche OHMi Patagonia-Bahia Exploradores OHMi Téssékéré OHM Oyapock OHMi Nunavik OHMi Pima County OHM Bassin Minier de Provence OHM Littoral Caraïbe OHMi Estarrejahal-04636865

Jean-Philippe Bedell, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Pascal-Jean Lopez, Najat Bhiry, Armelle Decaulne, Damien Davy, Alejandro Salazar-Burrows, Denis Mathis, Anne Sourdril, Larry Fisher, Priscilla Duboz, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, Carole Barthélémy, Y. Noack


Does pollution perception lead to risk avoidance behaviour? A mixed methods analysis

Article dans une revue OHMi Estarrejahal-03549773

Pierre Levasseur, Katrin Erdlenbruch, Christelle Gramaglia, Sofia Bento, Lúcia Fernandes, Pedro Baños Páez


Occurrence, Bioaccumulation and Effects of Legacy and Emerging Brominated Retardants in Earthworms

Chapitre d'ouvrage OHMi Estarrejahal-04615835

Jean-Philippe Bedell, Cláudia Filipa Coelho Macedo, Anais Venisseau, Philippe Marchand, Olivier Roques, Yves Perrodin


OHMI Estarreja: an ecosystem highly anthropized where contamination is the unifying element towards interdisciplinarity

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04614560

Jean-Philippe Bedell, Anne-Marie Guihard-Costa, Cristiana Paiva, Diogo Machado, Anabela Cachada, Carla Patinha, Nuno Durães, Ana Catarina Sousa, Anne-Gaëlle Beurier, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva

21 Jui

Unwanted Legacy and Memory of the Milieu: Toxic Materials, Remediation, Habituation (Estarreja, Portugal)

Chapitre d'ouvrage OHMi Estarrejahalshs-04238061

Fabienne Wateau, Carmem Regina Giongo, Daniela Figueiredo, Johnny Reis, Manuelle Lago

5 Jui

Invisible pollution and groundwater uses in Estarreja

Poster OHMi Estarrejahal-04171152

Raphaël Ordonneau, Yaouna Bretaudeau

5 Jui

ABATI - Airbone pollution by vegetation and tree samples bio-sensor In two constricted OHMi with different human activities

Poster OHMi Téssékéré OHMi Estarrejahal-04171147

Jean-Philippe Bedell, Mélina Macouin, Helena Sant’ovaia Mendes Da Silva, Mustapha B. Sagna, Priscilla Duboz, Nuno Durães, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Yann Philippe Tastevin

5 Jui

Ten years of the international Human-Environment Observatory of Estarreja: evolution and major achievements

Poster OHMi Estarrejahal-04171144

Anabela Cachada, Carla Patinha, Jean-Philippe Bedell, Anne-Marie Guihard-Costa, Eduardo Ferreira Da Silva


PM2.5 chemical composition and health risks by inhalation near a chemical complex

Article dans une revue OHMi Estarrejahal-04616169

Célia Alves, Margarita Evtyugina, Estela Vicente, Ana Vicente, Ismael Casotti Rienda, Ana Sánchez de la Campa, Mário Tomé, Iola Duarte