Plants are carrying a double historicity: firstly because of their life history (evolution, reproductive cycle, etc.), on the other hand because of their human history (botanical studies, selection, cultural practices, uses, etc.). This intrinsic historic character based interdisciplinary approaches that take into account both the biological history of human history plants.
These two day workshop will be conducive to trade on the analysis of interdisciplinarity at work in research that cross the historical approach and the experimental plant sciences (genetics, physiology, pathology, systematic study evolution, etc.). Indeed, they develop a complex interaction between these disciplines and raise methodological and epistemological questions.
Read more: Call for papers: History and plant sciences - interdisciplinary approaches
Human and Environmental Interactions. Environmental Research Questions and Practices
Robert Chenorkian & Samuel Robert (ed.), Collection « Indisciplines », Quae / NSS, 2014
The human and environmental observatories can enlighten the current issues of global change and globalisation of human activities, especially those affecting the biodiversity, the vulnerability of environments and regions, the impacts on the resources and the health of populations. Taken from miscellaneous scientific disciplines, this work brings a free viewpoint on the topic "Think about observation and research in human and environmental interactions".
Read more: Published by Editions Quae : Human and Environmental Interactions
A short documentary, co-produced by and the Center for Northern Studies, was conducted during the intergenerational and intercultural camp held in August 2013 with the Cree Whapmagoostui, Quebec, east of Hudson Bay . It is an excellent introduction to KNOWLEDGE project, funded in part by APR 2014 (OHIM Nunavik - ROHM).
The annual scientific seminar Observatory Men Media Rhone Valley was held Monday, May 26, 2014 in Lyon from 9:30 to 18:30. The objective of this day was to discuss the current dynamics and scientists to propose a debate around major scientific priorities under the paradigm shift in the management of the river.
The program for the day is:
Presentation of scientific VR panorama of OHM
Major projects underway on the Rhône
Projects resulting from the tender OHM
Debate on scientific priorities OHM VR
You will find very soon on the website of the concerned OHM communications and conclusions of the day.
As part of its 26th Days scientists, the Society for Human Ecology (HEU), the Men-Media Observatory (OHM) "Mediterranean Coast" of the CNRS and the SPACE lab propose to update the issue of company environmental reporting context coast.
The results of the APR PhD and Post-Doc 2014 are online. Once connected, you can view the list of subjects below.