Laureate of the Laboratory for Excellence project (LabEx) in the program « Investment in the future », the DRIIHM LabEx, InterDisciplinary Research Facility on Human-Environment Interactions, aggregate 131 human-environments observatories (OHM in french), tools for observing socio-ecosystems impacted by anthropic events. Created by CNRS-INEE in 2007, they are located in metropolitan France (6: Bassin Minier de Provence (provence Coalfield), Pyrénées-haut Vicdessos, Vallée du Rhône (Rhone valley), Littoral Méditerranéen (French mediterranean coastal zone), Pays de Bitche (Bitche County) and Fessenheim), overseas France (2: Oyapock (French Guyana), Littoral caraïbe (Caribbean Coast)) and abroad (5: Estarreja (Portugal), Téssékéré (Sénégal), Nunavik (Canada), Pima County (USA), Patagonia-Bahia Exploradores (Chile)).
DRIIHM brings together over 1,400 research staff, including 300 foreigners, from 200 research units in 87 french and foreign universities, 46 research organizations and "Grandes Écoles". It has financed 960 research projects, supervised 190 doctorates, 110 post-doctorates and over 400 Master's degrees.