The "Observatoire Hommes-Milieux Bassin Minier de Provence" ( will organize, in Aix-en-Provence (France), from June 8 to June 10, 2021, a scientific meeting about "Bauxite Residues" (also called red mud).
The goal of this meeting is to summarize the knowledge gathered by the different research projects of the Observatoire since ten years and to integrate them to the European research.
Five main topics have been selected:
- history of waste management,
- wastes characterization and environmental impacts
- redevelopment of disposable storage
- reuse of wastes
- social acceptance and perception, environmental conflicts
Registration and proposals for presentations (in French or English) :
Dead-line for abstracts: the 05/01/2021(1st of May 2021)
For more informations, contact : //
Depending of the healthcare conditions, the sessions will be adapted