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OHM(i) : OHM Fessenheim
Sep 6

Geomorphology and geochemistry to assess human impacts on the Upper Rhine over the last centuries

Poster communications OHM Fessenheimhal-03356914

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Franck Preusser, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux

Sep 6

Study of the fate of chemical elements in the Rhine ecosystem: upstream and downstream of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant (NPP)

Poster communications OHM Fessenheimhal-03356935

Axelle Genty, Maria Boltoeva, Olivier Courson, Gaétana Quaranta


Relational territoriality and the spatial embeddedness of nuclear energy: A comparison of two nuclear power plants in Germany and France

Journal articles OHM Fessenheimhal-03000042

Teva Meyer

Jul 30

Apports de la cartographie du droit à la géohistoire des pollutions industrielles des eaux du fleuve Rhin

Journal articles OHM Fessenheimhal-04542670

Caline Ly Keng, Frédérique Berrod, Kenji Fujiki, Dominique Badariotti

Oct 7

What is the place of Fessenheim nuclear power plant in the global industrial emissions in the Grand Canal d’Alsace ?

Poster communications OHM Fessenheimhal-02961086

Caline Ly Keng, Frédérique Berrod, François Chabaux, Dominique Badariotti